Getting the support you need, when and how you need it.

How does the Government support you to age well at home?
At Bridges, we often get asked what the difference is between the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and Home Care Packages (HCP). Both offer government subsidies to provide access to community programs and services. However, they do it differently, let’s take a look!
Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) provides organisations, like Bridges, with funding to offer a range of subsidised entry-level support services. Most Bridges consumers have enjoyed our programs with the support of CHSP subsidies paid to us over the past decade, and more. As a not-for-profit community organisation, we only charge a small co-payment to cover the costs.
Home Care Packages (HCP)
Home Care Packages (HCP) provide funding to you to purchase services from service providers like Bridges, through a HCP provider of your choice to support you to live independently.
The level of Home Care Package you receive is determined through an assessment process by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT).
Level 1: Basic care needs.
Level 2: Low-level care needs.
Level 3: Intermediate care needs.
Level 4: High-level care needs.
Changes in government policy see more consumers moving to Home Care Packages.
Choosing a Home Care Package provider
There will most likely be a wait time between being approved for care and the time you (or your family member) are assigned a package. This is an ideal time for you to do some research and make a short list of potential providers. Below is a short Q & A to help you with your research:
Q: Can I choose my own service provider?
A: Some HCP providers may not automatically offer this option to you. It is, however, your choice to make and it is important that you are assertive in expressing this. After all, it is your money.
Q: What is important to me?
A: Well, obviously only you have the answer to that! However, when thinking about what is important to you, perhaps consider the following:
- What kind of things might help to improve my day-to-day life?
- What support do I need to stay safe?
- Where and when do I require support?
- How will the HCP provider best service my needs?
- Does a HCP provider offer all the services I require? For example, specialised dementia care.
- How often do care HCP organisations representatives visit and speak with me?
- How often do they review care plans?
- What are the fee structures, cost of administration, care and services and, what will I be expected to pay for services.
- Where is the provider located?
- Will the provider offer culturally appropriate or gender specific workers if I need them?
We are here to help. Please contact our Community Access Team on 9753 4577 if you have any questions.